Tip of the Week – March 17
5 Reasons Why Training is Important Training can level the playing field. If someone wants to volunteer for a board position but is unsure of what might be required, training can clarify the expectations. Training provides people the chance to assess their own skill level. How well do you know what is being taught? Training…
Welcome to WSPTACon2022
Dear PTA leaders and members, Planning is underway for WSPTACon2022 and I am excited to share some of the details! There will be more to come on our website and in newsletters sent to registrants. We are thrilled to return in-person this year at the Lynwood Convention Center, May 20-22, 2022! However, we realize that…
Tip of the Week – March 10
What Does a Budget Committee Do? As your PTA’s treasurer and chair of the budget committee, you’ll want to start developing next year’s (July 1 -June 30) budget soon. Who should you ask to join you? Good choices are often the incoming president and treasurer, and outgoing president because they understand the past and future…
2022 Focus on Advocacy – March 14 Report
Sine Die report Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org The 2022 legislative session ended at 11:35 pm, Thursday, March 10. In a last dash to the finish line, the Legislature completed its work to pass supplemental operating, capital, and transportation budgets, as well as acting on many policy-level bills. Read the full report…
Council Spotlight – March 2022
Thank you to Everett PTSA Council 7.3 for sharing their District Impact Report highlighting the many contributions their local PTAs had in their school communities! Keep reading to learn more about this annual project which demonstrates the value of PTA. Each Autumn, our Everett PTSA Council 7.3 team uses End-Of-Year Financial Report data and program/event…
2022 Focus on Advocacy – March 7 Report
Into the home stretch Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org The 60-day session is set to end by midnight, Thursday, March 10. Legislators appear to be on track to meet that deadline, with budget negotiations continuing through the weekend. Last week was a flurry of bill action and some late nights for both…
Call to Action – SB 5078: Prevent and Reduce Gun Violence and Suicide
Dear Washington State PTA Member, Preventing gun violence and suicide is a top-five legislative issue for Washington State PTA. Deaths from suicide and firearms are preventable, and common-sense legislation is part of the answer. We can reduce the risk of mass shootings with appropriate restrictions on the ownership of the most-deadly weapons. Please customize and…
2022 Focus on Advocacy – February 28 Report
Into the home stretch Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org Last week saw the release of five 2022 supplemental budgets, all on Monday, February 21: the House and Senate operating budgets, House capital budget, and both House and Senate transportation budgets. While there are several similarities, the budgets took different approaches to some…
Tip of the Week – February 24
3 Considerations When Applying for the Leadership Service Award The Leadership Service Award program (formerly known as the Leadership Academy program) was created to honor and acknowledge PTA leaders across the state. Not sure this is really worth your time and effort? Here are some things you might consider: Being acknowledged for the extremely important…