


June 2, 2021

Board Retreats

Taking the time to organize and hold a board retreat helps put your new PTA board on the same ship sailing for the same destination of success. Gathering leaders over break can infuse enthusiasm in the incoming board, giving them an opportunity to get to know one another and to think about their positions for…
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Category: Leadership

May 27, 2021

Take Action: Ask U.S. Senators Murray and Cantwell to Increase Funding for Statewide Family Engagement Centers

Contact U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell today to request robust funding for the FY2022 Statewide Family Engagement Centers(SFEC) program. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) and Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) are currently circulating a bipartisan letter internally through the Senate, asking representatives to join them in seeking robust funding for the program. The FY2021 level…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

May 5, 2021

May 2021 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, What a year it has been! This month, members of our board of directors end their terms. This incredible group of dedicated volunteers has led us through some of the most challenging years that Washington State PTA has experienced. I know that many of them look forward to well-earned vacations and the chance…
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Category: Leadership

April 26, 2021

2021 Focus on Advocacy – April 26 Report

And … that’s a wrap! Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, The Legislature is expected to adjourn “sine die” April 25 by midnight. Over the past week, there was a lot of action, including the release of the compromise, agreed-to two-year operating, capital, and transportation budgets. Once released from a conference committee, the…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

April 23, 2021

WSPTA hosts “back to school” webinar with OSPI, DOH, and Governor’s office

State Superintendent Chris Reykdal, Deputy Secretary for COVID Response Lacy Fehrenbach, and Governor’s K12 Policy Advisor Maddy Thompson joined WSPTA members April 22 to discuss school under COVID,  including what the current situation is and what to expect for next fall. Listen to the 90-minute webinar here.
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

April 19, 2021

2021 Focus on Advocacy – April 19 Report

All that’s left is for the lady to sing… Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, Only one week remains in the 67th legislative session, and there is actually a lot that’s left to do before that famous lady sings the final song: budgets, the climate commitment act, a capital gains tax, and a…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative