


September 1, 2023

September Checklist for Running Your PTA

Board To-Do List for September Ongoing Tasks Attend board and membership meetings Read meeting minutes and offer corrections Prepare reports for board and membership meetings Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them Review and ask questions about the monthly financial report Actively engage in…
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Category: Leadership

August 16, 2023

memberplanet Text Message Update

For those PTAs that use memberplanet’s communication tools to send text messages to members, please note memberplanet is updating how that feature will work moving forward: “Recently, all major US mobile phone carriers have created a new regulation (A2P 10DLC) that has changed the way bulk text messages are sent. Due to these changes, groups…
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Category: Membership

August 8, 2023

Whose Money is it?

Andrew Estep Dear Members,  As we slowly recover from the pandemic, a few bright spots shine. One that is shining through is that many PTAs have much larger bank balances than they had in the past. For some, that seems to be a luxury and not a problem. It can, however, be a problem.   Charitable…
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Category: Uncategorized

August 1, 2023

August Checklist for Running Your PTA

Board To-Do List for August Ongoing Tasks Attend board and membership meetings Read meeting minutes and offer corrections Prepare reports for board and membership meetings Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them Review and ask questions about the monthly financial report Actively engage in…
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Category: Leadership

August 1, 2023

August Checklist for Councils Supporting Local PTAs

Welcome to the new PTA year! PTA’s fiscal year runs July 1 – June 30. Each month we will post monthly task lists for you to use that will help develop your calendar for the year. The dates listed reflect best practices. Ongoing Tasks Review the Standards of Affiliation Checklist. Offer support to local PTAs…
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Category: Leadership

July 28, 2023

Student Programs Submission Dates

The WSPTA student programs submission dates for 2023-2024 have been announced. The submission information for each student program is below. Reflections Due Date – Jan 18 All entries to the state Reflections contest must be submitted via the online application (located here: by this date. These may only be submitted by council Reflections chairs…
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Category: Events , Programs , Reflections

July 11, 2023

From the Executive Director

Andrew Estep Dear Members,  For me, July means Independence Day, barbecues, picnics, and vacations. It also means enjoying friends, family, and community. We get to go to baseball games, enjoy 16+ hours of daylight (in Washington), and celebrate our good fortune to be Americans.   I was talking with a college-age student yesterday. Her family had…
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Category: Uncategorized

June 5, 2023

June 2023 Programs Plug

Laura Peterson Hello fellow WSPTA volunteers,  I wanted to say thank you for all your help promoting and participating in our programs. The programs committee has dwindled down quite a bit so please consider signing up to help your new programs director, Betty, continue our work. Thank you to all my volunteers that did stick…
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Category: Leadership , Programs

May 31, 2023

Executive Director Annual Report

The last three years have been difficult, but the worst is behind us. The good news is we hit bottom and are heading up. We have much, much better times ahead of us.  Washington State PTA is a reasonably barebones operation. We have 4 employees at the office, support from a handful of contractors, and…
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Category: Leadership

May 23, 2023

Annual Reports

Written reports have been prepared instead of the verbal ones typically presented at the annual business meeting on April 30. Those three reports are linked below.  The State of the PTA by Nancy Chamberlain Finance Officer’s Update by Candy Walters Executive Director’s Report by Andrew Estep
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Category: Uncategorized